Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let's Talk About Sonic (you knew this was coming]

It's no secret that I am a huge fan of Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog series.

Yeah I'm sad, but that's not the point. The point is I was on youtube yesterday and I stumbled over an old sonic animatic created by some guy named Back2Soul or something like that. The guy does quick sonic animations and I found this one he did called the KnuckleDuster animatic and I gotta say: this guy's is going places. He really gets the Naota Oshima design style, which just wreaks of awesomeness. I think that's because Oshima had a more Disneyesque Tezuka approach to the character. When it comes to Sonic I find going for a Disney aesthetic always works better than going for an anime one which I see countless people fail at on a daily basis. Back2Soul really gets this and has made a real awesome video to boot. I almost cried at the end. I though I'd do some sketchin' around with it and get a flavor for the animation. I learned alot about shapes and faces. Good stuff.Sorry about the photos, I lack a scanner at the moment (or least a good one)

I hope I haven't geeked out too much. You guys have an awesome holiday season.

PS Don't think I've been gettin lazy kids.

Yeah that's 20 penciled pages on the ground that I did in the past week in a half for my pal Trevor. I'm still tweakin' it but be sure, by the end of break I'm gonna have loads of art done. Bah Ha! Now if you'll excuse I'm going to go draw before my hands die of non pencil holding. Let's hope I can ignore my video games for just a little longer.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been impressed by your collection, you have stuff most collectors don't. Not to mention that you nailed the old school Sonic comic character designs on the nose.


    Also, keep in touch or I'll ninja loot all your meseta...again.
